2025 Educational Speaker Program

Our speaker program includes educational sessions that bring in key opinion leaders to discuss important health topics relating to bowel care management, long-term care, radiation dermatitis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, and more.

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2025 Educational Speaker Program

Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction (NBD) in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

10:00 PT / 11:00 MT / 12:00 CT / 1:00 ET

Speaker: Jonathan Myers, MD


  • What is Multiple Sclerosis?  Pathophysiology and Epidemiology
  • Defecation Physiology
  • Psychosocial, Physical, and Economic Impact of Bowel Dysfunction
  • Survey Results from MS Patients Regarding
  • Bowel Function
  • Rome IV Criteria
  • Bristol Stool Chart
  • Bowel Management and Lifestyle
  • Step Approach to Bowel Management
  • PVA Guidelines for Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction in Adults after SCI
  • Treatment

[On Demand] Educational Speaker Program

Note: Continuing education (CE) credits are no longer available on recorded programs.

Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

11am PT / 2pm EDT

In this live discussion, William McKinley, MD, Director of Spinal Cord Injury Medicine will cover the following objectives:

  • Overview of Spinal Cord Injury
  • Neurogenic Bladder and Neurogenic Bowel
  • Importance / Potential Morbidity
  • Neurophysiology and Classifications
  • Goals and Management Options
  • Long-term Complications and Follow-up
  • Bowel
  • Ineffective Bowel Program, Constipation
  • Enemeez
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
  • Common Rectal Medications
  • Autonomic Dysreflexia: Pathophysiology, Signs and Management

Autonomic Dysreflexia: Pathophysiology and Clinical Considerations

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

10am PST / 1pm EST

Autonomic Dysreflexia:  Pathophysiology and Clinical Considerations

In this panel discussion, Jonathan Myers, MD, Physiatrist, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ryan Gebauer, Scott Chesney, and Moderator: Margaret Swantko, Director of Sales and Education, Quest Healthcare will discuss the following objectives:

  • Understand the Signs and Symptoms of AD
  • Understand the Underlying Pathophysiology of AD
  • Understand How to Manage AD
  • Understand the Basics of Neurogenic Bowel and Bladder Pathophysiology and Management
In a clinical setting, a woman doctor examines the mouth of a woman patient, who is suffering from xerostomia - often called "dry mouth."

Dry Mouth Caused by Radiation and What We Can Do About It

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

10am PST / 1pm EST

This session will be presented by Aryavarta Kumar, MD, PhD, a board certified radiation oncologist practicing in Cleveland Ohio. In this session, Dr. Kumar, will be discussing dry mouth caused by radiation and what we can do about it.


  • Define Xerostomia (dry mouth)
  • Review Radiation for Head and Neck Cancer
  • Discuss Why Head and Neck Radiation Causes Xerostomia and Other Side Effects
  • Review Treatment Options for Xerostomia
parkinson's disease and effects on GI tract

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) & Its Effects on the GI Tract

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

12pm PST / 3pm EST

This session will be presented by David Turk, MD, a practicing physician and clinical assistant professor. In this session, Dr. Turk will be discussing Parkinson’s Disease and its effects on the GI Tract.


  • Parkinson’s Disease Signs & Symptoms
  • Parkinson’s Disease Causes
  • Prevalence of Parkinson’s Disease
  • Prodromal Symptoms
  • How Parkinson’s Disease Affects the GI Tract
  • Constipation & Parkinson’s Disease
  • Complications of Chronic Constipation in Parkinson’s Disease
  • Management of Constipation in Parkinson’s Disease
  • Dehydration in Parkinson’s Disease
  • Bowel Care Program
A man rubs his jaw. The man is sitting on a couch, is wearing a blue denim shirt, and has a white beard.

Sjögren’s Disease and Xerostomia

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

12pm PST / 3pm EST

This session will be presented by Dr. Wesley Mizutani, MD, Rheumatologist, lead Rheumatologist for Optum Medical Group California & Department Chairman for over 30 years in a group practice setting. In this session, Dr. Mizutani will be discussing Sjögren’s Syndrome symptoms, causes and treatment.


  • Symptoms and Causes of Xerostomia
  • Who does Xerostomia Affect
  • Sjögren’s Syndrome (SS) – Primary (pSS) and Secondary (sSS)
  • Effects of Xerostomia on Sleep in Sjögren’s
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) & Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS)
  • Prevalence, Risk & Xerostomia in OSA
  • Xerostomia Questionnaire

Management of Pain and Wound Care in the Patient with a Spinal Cord Injury

August 29, 2023

12pm MST / 3pm ET

In this session, presenter, Ruth Iliuta, APRN, CNS-BC, CWON and guest, Ryan Gebauer, will discuss pain pathophysiology after spinal cord injury, pressure injury development and wound treatment.


  • Identify the Types of Pain Pathophysiology Occurring after Spinal Cord Injury
  • Understand the Pathophysiology Occurring after Spinal Cord Injury that Affects Pressure Injury Development
  • Apply Basic and Advanced Wound Treatment Modalities to Prevent and or Treat Wound Infection

Prevention & Treatment of Radiation Dermatitis in Breast Cancer

March 23rd, 2023

11am PDT / 2pm EDT

This session will be presented by Dr. Lior Braunstein, a board-certified radiation oncologist and scientist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, specializing in treating localized or metastatic breast cancer. In this session, Dr. Braunstein will be discussing how prevent and treat Radiation Dermatitis in breast cancer patients.


  • Recognize the Types of Breast Radiation
  • Identify Radiation Dermatitis and Prevention
  • Understand Symptomatic Dermatitis Management
  • Understand Long Term Outcomes of Radiation Dermatitis

Assessment and Management
of Bowel Issues
Post Stroke

March 29th, 2022

1:00pm PDT / 4:00pm EDT

In this session, presenter, Cissi Wimberly Oloomi MSN, RN, CNS, FNP, CNRN, CRRN will discuss stroke types, clinical presentation, bowel issues and assessment and intervention.


  • Describe the 2 Types of Stroke and Contributing Factors and Causes
  • Discuss Common Clinical Presentation of Stroke
  • Compare and Contrast Common Bowel Issues Post-Stroke
  • Describe Assessment and Intervention for Motor and Sensory Disturbances, Language Communication, Cognitive Thinking and Emotion and Personality changes
dr rina sanghavi neurologically impaired gut

The Neurologically Impaired Gut in Children: Little Brain Issues in the Large Intestine

May 5th, 2022

11:00am PDT/ 2:00pm EDT

In this session, Dr. Rinarani Sanghavi, a pediatric gastroenterologist in Dallas, Texas, will discuss causes, symptoms and treatment for dysfunctional bowel in adolescence.


  • Normal Gut Motility
  • Physiology of Defecation
  • Clinical Features
  • Neurogenic Bowel Management – Medical
  • Neurogenic Bowel Management – Surgical
incontinence related dermatitis

Brain Injury &
Bowel Care

August 30, 2022

3:00 PM PDT/6:00 PM EDT

In this session Linda Schultz, PhD, CRRN, will cover the topic of brain injury and bowel care.


  • Distinguish the three types of brain injury
  • Understand the effects of brain injury and body function
  • Understand the brain-gut axis in brain injury (BI)
  • Understand the effect of brain injury on the bowel
  • Discuss the treatment for neurogenic bowel

Managing Wound Pain During Dressing Changes

November 21, 2022

11 AM PST / 2 PM EST

In this session, Ruth Illiuta, APRN, CNS BC, CWCN, COCN will be discussing managing wound pain through the use of ALOCANE® Plus.


  • Understand the Types of Wound-Related Pain and Abnormal Pain Response
  • Identify Assessment Methods to Understand the Patient’s Pain
  • Recognize the Emotional Component and Its Effect on the Perception of Pain
  • Evaluate treatment strategies to Reduce Pain During Cleansing, Applying or Removing Dressings

Pediatric Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction: Causes and Treatments

January 31, 2023

 1 PM PST / 4 PM EST

This session will be presented by Dr. Steve Hodges, a pediatric urologist at Wake Forest School of Medicine specializing in urinary incontinence, bedwetting and bladder exstrophy. In this session, Dr. Hodges will be discussing the causes and treatments for pediatric bowel and bladder dysfunction.


  • Identify and Describe Dysfunctional Elimination Syndrome/Bladder Bowel Dysfunction (BBD).
  • Review the Rome IV Criteria for Constipation the Bristol Stool Chart.
  • Understand the Causes on Non-Neurogenic Pediatric Constipation.
  • Understand the Diagnosis and Assessment in Constipation.
  • Understand How to Treat Children with Non-Neurogenic Pediatric Constipation.
  • Urodynamics – Understand the Role.


Fargo Khoury


Dr. Khoury was born and raised in Southern California. He completed his PM&R residency training at Loma Linda University Medical Center. He spent the first 6+ years working inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation at Eisenhower Medical Center where he saw numerous post-stroke and SCI patients. He currently practices at an independent rehabilitation facility in Murrieta, CA.

Rina Sanghavi 


Dr. Rina Sanghavi, M.D.,M.B.A., F.A.A.P. is a Pediatric Neurogastroenterologist at U.T Southwestern Medical Center/Children’s Health, Children’s Medical Center Dallas. She practices in the division of Pediatric gastroenterology and has special expertise in motility issues including anorectal malformations, constipation , functional GI disorders and irritable bowel syndrome. She is an associate professor and Director of Pediatric Neurogastroenterology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.  She has helped establish the Aerodigestive clinic, the chronic abdominal pain program, motility and biofeedback program as well as the Center for Anorectal malformations and pelvic disorders at her institution. She holds several administrative and leadership positions including President of the Medical Dental Staff and Director of the Office of Faculty Engagement She is also on the vice chair of the Professional Development Committee for NASPGHAN, the North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.

Cissi Wimberly Oloomi


Cissi Wimberly Ollomi has over 40 years in various settings of the specialty of neuroscience and rehabilitation nursing, including acute & chronic care of the SCI patient. She worked as an SCI service line Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Practitioner at a VA Spinal Cord Injury Center. She is a published author & also a co-editor of chapters in the neuroscience nursing core curriculum.

Linda M Schultz


Linda M. Schultz focuses on Physical Rehabilitation Nursing and Research. After college Linda worked at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago specializing in spinal cord injuries, and eventually went on to pioneer the activity-based therapy program for spinal cord injuries led by Dr. John McDonald at Washington University. She also structured the groundbreaking Christopher Reeve recovery project and currently is Nurse Linda for the SCI Community. She is an advocate for individuals and families with SCI and works with healthcare providers in research and quality improvements projects.

Ryan Gebauer

Ryan is a C3/4 complete tetraplegic; he was injured as a result of jumping out of a tree into a canal 25 years ago at 16 years old. He graduated Florida Atlantic University with a Masters in Business Administration and is a founding member of the largest SCI support group in Florida, the Spinal Cord Injury Support Group of South Florida. Ryan has been working with Quest Healthcare as the National Community Relations Advocate since 2014.

Scott Chesney

Scott Chesney, a two-time world traveler and a navigator of life with paralysis for over two decades, has presented to millions of people in 38 countries. After awakening to paralysis at the age of 15 from a sudden spinal stroke, Scott has amassed a resume of transformational experiences, powerful insights, and inspiring stories that cut to the core of the human spirit. He is an internationally recognized speaker, and his positive and inspiring messages have changed countless lives. His insights have been applauded by Fortune 500 corporations, hospitals/rehab centers, associations, sports’ teams, audiences at The United Nations, The Pentagon, FBI, colleges, and K-12 schools.

Dr. Steve Hodges


Steve Hodges, MD is a pediatric urologist at Wake Forest School of Medicine specializing in urinary incontinence, bedwetting and bladder exstrophy.  He is an Associate Professor, Surgical Sciences, Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University.

Dr. Hodges is published in over 31 peer-reviewed publications, and he has published 7 books on pediatric bowel and bladder dysfunction.  He sits on the advisory board of the American Urological Association and is a Diplomat for the American Board of Urology.  Dr. Hodges has patents for 8 devices and treatments that include medical devices incorporating collagen inhibitors and topical wound treatment method and composition.

Dr. Lior Braunstein


Dr. Braunstein is a board-certified radiation oncologist and scientist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, specializing in treating breast cancer that is localized or metastatic. He has expertise in using advanced radiation therapy techniques, such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy, image-guided radiation therapy, stereotactic body radiation therapy, and stereotactic radiosurgery. 

Dr. Braunstein’s research is focused on molecular and biomarker-driven clinical trials that tailor the use of radiation therapy, in addition to studies in cancer epidemiology, and translational investigations. Dr. Braunstein and his research collaborators have pioneered several studies that define the standard of care in breast cancer therapy, and they continue to optimize the way that breast cancers are prevented, treated, and surveilled.

As part of his clinical and scientific work, Dr. Braunstein serves on several national and international committees, including the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), and NRG Oncology, among others. He is the Principal Investigator or Co-investigator on several national and international breast cancer trials. In addition, he is the Director of the MSKCC Radiation Oncology Residency Program, overseeing the education and training of radiation oncology students and residents.

Ruth Illiuta 


Ruth Iliuta APRN, CNS BC, CWCN, COCN focuses on wound and ostomy nursing. She is the Nurse Manager for the Wound Care Team at a VAMC in Georgia where she developed a nurse run Wound Care Team for acute, long-term care and outpatients with Certified Wound/Ostomy RN’s.

She is the Chair of the interprofessional pressure Injury Committee, disseminating data analysis, root causes and processes to improve quality measures.  Ms. Iliuta Incorporates standards of care and evidenced based practice guidelines of the Wound Ostomy Continence Society, the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, Minimum Data Set, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to direct and guide clinical practice and staff education for management of the patient/resident with wounds, ostomy, and skin care.

Ms. Iliuta provides monthly lecture to medical residents on staging Pressure Injuries, the Nurse Practitioner Residency Program on chronic wounds: Arterial, Venous, Diabetic, and wound Infection and Biofilm; as well as to the Pharmacist Residency Program.


Ms. Iliuta is a published author and sits on the national committee for the Office of Nursing Service Field Advisory Committee for Pressure Injury Presentation and Management.

Dr. Wesley Mizutani

Dr. Wesley Mizutani

MD, Rheumatologist

Dr. Mizutani is a practicing Rheumatologist and Department Chairman for over 30 years in a group practice setting. Currently serving as lead Rheumatologist for Optum Medical Group California, Dr. Mizutani has built a successful clinical trials unit for Healthcare Partners Medical Group and participated in over 75 clinical trials. He continues to serve as California Chairman of the California Arthritis Foundation Advocacy Council and  on the Arthritis Foundation National Advocacy Committee.

Dr. Mizutani received his undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California, his medical degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and he completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. Dr. Mizutani formerly taught as an Associate Professor of Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine, and was also the recipient of a fellowship in rheumatology from the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. David Turk

MD, Rehabilitation

Dr. David Turk attended the University of Maryland and graduated from the Scholars Program with a BS in Physiology and Neurobiology.  Dr. Turk also participated in bench research at Uniformed Services University, focusing on neurobiology and pharmacology.

He attended medical school at the Touro-Technion, in Long Island NY, and Haifa, Israel. Upon completing medical school, he completed an internship in the Johns Hopkins/ Sinai Hospital internal medicine program. He completed his residency at Montefiore / Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is board-certified in this specialty.

Dr. Turk currently resides in Los Angeles.  Dr. Turk is a practicing physician and clinical assistant professor affiliated with several hospitals and residency training programs including UCLA, Cedars Sinai, and USC Keck School of Medicine.

He is currently on sabbatical and doing locum tenens work for several hospitals in California and New Mexico.